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Sign Language in Missouri - Nurture Smart

Sign Language in Missouri

Sign Language in Missouri

Students in a Missouri classroom are learning sign language, but not purely for academic reasons. One of the students in the kindergarten classroom is deaf. Her classmates wanted to communicate with her and the teacher thought that teaching the class sign language was a perfect opportunity to help open the doors to communicating together. The other children enjoy talking to the student, and despite their differences, learning sign language has united them; now they laugh, play, and grow together.

PlayAbility Toys offers See-it-Sign-it, the perfect game for teaching little ones ASL. The game was developed by Joyce Lopez, a child of a deaf adult (CODA), who empathized with students just like the ones in Missouri. Joyce developed the game so that others might learn ASL in a fun engaging way. Perhaps your children go to school with a deaf student or you just want your child to learn a second language, our See-it Sign-it games will be perfect for you and your family.

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